Flowing into Fall
Its back to school, the boys of summer are still playing and weather is shifting from summer to cooler fall like temps. As we settle into the new season of late summer, what is comforting to you? Routine, homemade soup? In TCM the earth element governs late summer and the organ system is Spleen/Stomach.
The five element theory is a fundamental concept in TCM, which categorizes everything in the universe into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element represents different aspects of life and is associated with specific organs in the body. The earth element is linked to the spleen and stomach, and it governs digestion and transformation of food into energy.
The Spleen and Digestion:
The spleen is a vital organ in TCM, responsible for transforming food into nutrients and energy. It is closely related to the earth element and plays a crucial role in digestion. When the spleen is functioning optimally, it ensures proper absorption and distribution of nutrients throughout the body. However, if the spleen becomes imbalanced, it can lead to digestive disorders such as bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.
For example, when the earth element is weak, the spleen's ability to transform and transport food is compromised. This can result in poor digestion, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and a weakened immune system. By understanding the connection between the earth element and the spleen, we can take proactive steps to support our digestion and overall well-being.
Nourishing the Earth Element:
To maintain a healthy earth element and support the spleen's function, TCM recommends certain dietary and lifestyle practices. Eating warm, cooked foods, avoiding excessive raw or cold foods, and incorporating nourishing ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and sweet potatoes can help strengthen the earth element. Regular mealtimes, chewing food thoroughly, and avoiding overeating are also essential for optimal digestion.
For instance, eating mindfully and in a relaxed environment can enhance the spleen's ability to extract nutrients from food. This approach promotes better digestion and absorption, leading to increased energy levels and improved overall health.
Understanding this relationship allows us to take a proactive approach to our health by adopting dietary and lifestyle practices that support the earth element and spleen's function. By nourishing our bodies with warm, cooked foods and practicing mindful eating, we can maintain optimal digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and promote overall well-being. Incorporating TCM principles into our daily lives can lead to a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit.
by Sunnie Sabol
The Liver is all about the smooth flow of movement--on every level. It is about moving our bodies, moving our minds, shifting things in our lives. The liver is also associated with the eyes, and with the blood in this ancient system. So what can we do to help support healthy liver function?
Spring is a season of transition from the dormant yin of winter into the yang of summer. We in Milwaukee area have really felt the flow of the seasons back and forth. Spring in Chinese medicine connects with the organ system of the Liver and the element of wood. Liver is the most important of the organ systems. The liver is in charge of cleansing, renewing and energizing our body. When the liver is running smooth, emotional Qi will flow with ease. Spring is great time to cleanse the body of toxins and old stored emotions of anger & frustration. Our hectic lifestyles cause the body to overloaded with toxins from foods and the environment. leading us to feel sluggish & tired. Cleansing the liver allows the liver to rejuvenate our body & mind slowing down the aging process.
Spring activities to help move the liver QI
Move- the liver loves movement, go out for a long walk. Liver is controls the tendons of the body take care to stretch, try yoga class or something new like Qi gong.
The liver opens to the eyes, take breaks from screens phones and computers.
Deep Clean your home, give some attention to the areas of your home that are not a part of the usual routine. Organize the bathroom cabinets.
Spring clean your diet, lighten up your meals, add lemon to your water, add sour tasting foods to your meals or snacks. Try adding these foods; green tea, sunflower seeds, asparagus, fermented foods, seaweed, green cruciferous vegetables.
Acupuncture treatments can help flow the energy of the liver. Some symptoms of a stagnant liver energy are, headaches, stress, PMS, stiff neck, Bloating. Acupuncture can help rejuvenate your liver and ease your symptoms. With all the wind whipping around, this is also the season of tight neck and shoulders.
Finally, the liver has two emotions associated with it: frustration, as mentioned above, and COMPASSION. When you feel compassion--for yourself, for others, for all human suffering, your liver is functioning well at an emotional level. When in doubt, reach for compassion, for yourself first and foremost, because from that, everything else flows. AKA Lovingkindness. All day. Every Day. Because love is the most powerful medicine of ALL.
by Sunnie Sabol
Happy 4th of July! This is my favorite holiday, I know it sounds a little crazy but I love summer and fireworks so this holiday has all the things I love with out the stress of shopping for that "perfect gift."
Because this is my favorite holiday I have some hacks to help you stay on a healthy track and still enjoy every minute of your summer get togethers.
1. Drink more water, Hydration is key! Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. You also need to keep track of it. Use this hack.... Grab your favorite water bottle, fill it up! Place a rubber band around the bottle, next time you fill it up add another rubber band. For example my water bottle is 20 ounces I know once I have placed 5 rubber bands around the bottle I have exceeded my goal for the day! ...Pro tip leave the rubber bands by your water cooler or fridge for ease.
2. Going to a friends house and you know you will be tempted by lots of unhealthy options? Try this, Drink a protein shake before you go. That way you will not be as hungry when you get there and not over eat. Pro tip, use coconut water to mix your protein with coconut water has ton of electrolytes so this will help with hydration as well!
3. Want to be social and drink alcohol? Make a refreshing summer cocktail! Stick to clear spirits like vodka or gin, both have less carbohydrates and mix great with seltzer and lime. Stay away from Tonic, it has 43 grams of carbohydrates per 16oz. Be careful of the new pre mixed hard seltzer on the market, read the labels. Some are filled with extra sugar and other ingredients that you do not want in your diet.
4. Having trouble getting your workouts in? Use the N.E.T (No Extra Time) method. Next time you are out shopping at your favorite store. Park far away in the parking lot, sometimes you can find a great spot in the shade. Make a few extra laps around while you are inside. You never know you may find something you forgot on your list! The extra steps add up quickly!
Enjoy the summer!
In Health,
by Sunnie SabolAvocado & Apple Salad

Summer salads are my favorite meal.
I eat them almost everyday, so I am always looking for easy and tasty new ideas to try. This salad fits both of those requirements, Avocados and a creamy rich flavor and the apples add a crunchy sweet flavor making this one of my new favorites!
2 TB Olive Oil
2 tsp Lemon juice
1/2 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 Avocado, Thinly sliced
1 Apple, Thinly sliced
Favorite lettuce, chopped
Salt & Pepper to taste
Combine oil, lemon juice, and mustard in a jar with salt and pepper. Close tightly and shake till well combined. Place lettuce in a bowl and toss lettuce with the dressings. Top with avocado and apple slices.
Note: add some chopped chicken to the salad! Makes a great meal! 

February is the month of LOVE. This valentine season I find myself reflecting on relationships. The relationships we have with others, our family, friends and the most important of all..... the relationship we have with ourselves. Far to often it is that relationship that is put on the back burner so to speak. We are caught up in the busy of life to take the time to listen our our own bodies, to take a moment and check with ourselves.
Did you know the bodies last warning signal is a symptom?! I'll state that again the bodies Last signal! However it is the usually the first time we begin to look at our own health and wonder why does this hurt?! Many of us will even by pass that signal and keep pushing forward. Ladies, I am speaking directly to you. How many times do you take your kids to activity, social event, appointment but you don't drive yourself to an appointment for your own health!
~You can not pour from an empty cup ~ 
I am fortunate to have a job, NO.... A calling, that I love! Not a day goes by that I do not thank God for guiding me to eastern medicine and allowing me to add value to my patients lives. All to often patients come into the clinic as a last resort. While I am honored to be a part of anyones health journey, I often wonder what would their health story be if they made Thrive their first step instead of their last.
Health is not valued until it it lost ~ Chinese Proverb 
It is time for you to reflect on your relationship with yourself and put yourself 1st! I think you will find your other relationships will become stronger when you are stronger!
I invite you to come into Thrive Acupuncture & Integrative Health for a consultation, lets chat about your health!
In Health,

by Sunnie SabolAs the holidays get closer, you are probably starting to plan your dinner menu. One of the traditional dishes that is often served this time of year is stuffing. But what to do if you are following a keto diet? Do you skip stuffing altogether? Do you make traditional stuffing for your guests and just resist the temptation to try just a bite? No - you make a delicious keto stuffing recipe that will keep you on track AND all your guests will love even if they are not eating keto themselves.

The challenge with making a good keto stuffing recipe is that the main ingredient is bread. It has taken me a lot of trial and error to find the right ingredients to make a keto diet-friendly stuffing that is not heavy or odd tasting. The first step is making sure that you are using a high-quality low or no-carb bread. I recommend Thin Slim bread because it both tastes great and holds up well in the recipe.
One of the tricks to keeping the bread from getting soggy and heavy in the keto stuffing is to let it get stale before using.
There are two ways to go about doing this. If you have extra time, you can allow the bread to sit out until it is stale just from being exposed to the air. If you are a little more pressed for time, you can actually make the bread stale in the oven.

Make stale bread:
1. Preheat oven to 200º.
2. Cut bread slices into small cubes that are about 1/2" in size. Use a serrated bread knife to make cutting easier.
3. Spread the bread cubes evenly on two large, rimmed baking sheets and place in oven.
4. Leave bread cubes in oven for about 2 hours or until hardened.
The stale bread is less able to absorb the liquids in the keto stuffing recipe and stays lighter and fluffier. This is my secret for tasty keto stuffing, and now it is yours too!
Keto Stuffing Recipe:
● 1 medium onion, chopped
● 1 cup celery, chopped
● 1 medium apple, peeled, cored and cubed (optional)
● 1 loaf of stale keto bread (Thin Slim is recommended Link)
● 2-3 cups of chicken stock
● 1 packet Keto Thyme Better Broth (order online Link)
● 2 tbsp butter
● 1 tsp dried sage or 3 tsp fresh sage, chopped
● 1 tsp dried thyme or 3 tsp fresh thyme leaves (no stems)

● Preheat over to 375º.
● Grease a 3 or 4 qt casserole dish ( a 9 x 13 dish works well).
● Preheat a cooking pan over medium heat and add butter.

● Add onion and celery and saute until onions are transparent.
● Add apple and cook until vegetables are softened. Remove from heat.

● In a large mixing bowl, combine the bread cubes, Keto Thyme Better Broth, cooked vegetables, sage and thyme.

● Mix gently until evenly blended.
● Add chicken broth to the bowl and mix quickly.

● Transfer mixture to the prepared casserole dish and bake for 40-45 minutes.
● Serve and enjoy!!
This is the keto stuffing recipe that I make for my own friends and family and it has become a holiday favorite. If you do wind up making it, I'd love it if you'd let me know what you think of it!!

by Sunnie Sabol
I am always searching for ways to add Ketones to my favorite meals. The catch is the meals have to pass some tough critics, my kids! This months recipe idea came for our love of french onion soup so using Better Broth French Onion, was a natural choice. Not only did my family love this meal they cleaned their plates and asked for more! That makes this recipe a winner in our home, I hope it is the same for yours!
One Skillet French Onion Chicken
4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
3 Large Vidalia Onions
2 Cups Beef Broth
1 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Cassava flour
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 packet of Pruvit Ketone Better Broth French Onion
8 Sliced Gruyere cheese
Garlic Powder, Salt and Pepper to taste
1. Preheat Oven to 350
2. Heat oven safe large Skillet over high heat. add 2 Tb of Olive Oil. Add Onions and season with salt. Stirring occasionally for about 15 minutes.
3. While onions are cooking, trim Chicken Breasts and season with garlic, salt and pepper.
4. Add Balsamic Vinegar to onions continuing to cook until caramelized.
5. Remove onions from pan and set aside.
6. Return heat to pan, add a little olive oil
7. Place chicken in skillet at medium – high heat to sear until golden brown.
8. Remove Chicken from pan
9. Pour in Beef broth and bring to a boil. Scraping up the stuck bits from bottom of pan.
10. Lower heat to medium-low and whisk in flour continue to stir until completely incorporated and slightly thickened.
11. Stir in packet of Pruvit Better Broth French Onion
12. Return onions and chicken to the pan.
13. Place 2 slices of Gruyere cheese on each chicken breast
14. Transfer skillet to oven
15. Cook chicken at 350 degrees or until chicken has reached internal temp of 165 degrees and the cheese had melted.
16. Serve warm and enjoyJ